Free Shipping Availa bl e. Obsahuje sekací nástavec, drtič ledu a stolní mixér. Welcome to a completely new food preparation experience: the groundbreaking MultiQuick hand blender. Braun MultiQuick Next generation hand blender. Building on our leading position in the hand blender market, we have created a new flagship for our range: the next generation hand blender. Simply put: it is the best hand blender for the.
Braun , the German company, is well-known for manufacturing various types of products such as shaving (probably what the brand is most known for), beauty care, irons an of course, kitchen appliances to make light work of your cooking tasks. Start your day with a healthy energy booster! Heat 3ml of mineral water in the Braun ID Breakfast Collection Water kettle to °C and add green teabag. Leave to infuse for minutes and strain. Chill in the refrigerator (Tip: at best overnight).
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